- Day and time
- Shot number
- Specific location
- Action and dialogue
- Camera framing and movement
- Actors and props
- Crew roles
- No. of takes
- Best take
Below are extracts from my shootboard:
Creating a shootboard helped massively when I was recording my advert as I organised everything beforehand, which reduced the stress on the day. In addition, the shootboard also plans out any dialogue, framing, movement, props and actors required for each shot, allowing me to group shots together depending on whatever is most convenient. When I was editing, it also helped me find out which shot was the best take, allowing me to quickly assemble a rough cut for review.
Creating a shootboard helped massively when I was recording my advert as I organised everything beforehand, which reduced the stress on the day. In addition, the shootboard also plans out any dialogue, framing, movement, props and actors required for each shot, allowing me to group shots together depending on whatever is most convenient. When I was editing, it also helped me find out which shot was the best take, allowing me to quickly assemble a rough cut for review.
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